Monday, May 29, 2017

Linux: Install Webmin on Debian 8 Jessie

Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix. What I like about Webmin is that you can setup your user account, apache, dns, file sharing, database connection etc. The best part about this is that they have multiserver functionality. In this tutorial, we are going to install webmin in the latest version on our Operating System Debian 8 codename Jessie. 

1. Go to source list /etc/apt/sources.list and add this line of code. This is the most important thing to remember if you are a newbie in debian world. I'm using vi for editing this file but you can use other editing tools like pico editor or nano editor in editing this file. 

deb sarge contrib

2. Install GPG key and add it. By installing the GPG, we want to install necessary or appropriate packages in our system not by injecting bad packages to our system. 

apt-key add jcameron-key.asc

3. Update the system by using the command apt-get update and you may now be able to install with the command apt-get install apt-transport-https. Apt-transport-https is a dependency of webmin so we need to install it first.

apt-get update

apt-get install apt-transport-https

4. Install webmin. if you install the webmin and complaining about missing dependencies, you need to add some codes in our source list. If you have no error, you can skip this step and jump to step 7 to install webmin. 

apt-get install webmin

5. Add this source list.  I'm using vi for editing this file but you can use other editing tools like pico editor or nano editor in editing this file. Add this line of code in the image below and save it. 

vi /etc/apt/sources.list

6. Update the System. Update the system by triggering the command apt-get update and press enter to execute the command. 

apt-get update

7. Then, install webmin. Use the command apt-get install webmin and press enter and press Y and enter again to suppress the message. 

apt-get install webmin

8. Finally, test your browser. You can use chrome, firefox, mozilla, opera browser. Any of these, the same effect when you add the ip address to the url bar. 

https://<YOUR IP ADDRESS>:10000

username: root
password: your password in debian

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