Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Linux: Simple Way To Install Eclipse Neon on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

I don't know why but the eclipse version of Ubuntu 16.04 Software Center is out of date. The version of eclipse in the Ubuntu Sofware Center is 3.8 and the version name is Juno which dated back in the time of our Lord Jesus Christ. So, I don't know what the hell is going on with the Software Center right now. As time of my post, we are now year 2017, and no updates for Ubuntu Sotware Center, which is not a good idea to install. So, I decided to make a tutorial for the installation of the latest version of eclipse.  The version that I'm using is Eclipse Neon. I'm using Ubuntu 16.06 LTS but you can try earlier version of Ubuntu or Debian.

1. install tar file in eclipse website http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/eclipse-packages/ . In below image, I downloaded the package name Eclipse IDE for Java EE developers. But if you are only using Eclipse for Java application, then you only install the third one, the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers. There ample of Eclipse that you want to try in order for you to satisfy what you need. 

2. extract tar file in download directory. Bring out your terminal and type in the codes below. If you are not root user, better to use sudo and for root you can leave the sudo command.  After that wee need to change the access permission of the file to 777.  

sudo tar -xvf eclipse-jee-neon-3-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz

sudo chmod 777 -R eclipse/

3. Run the Eclipse Application. You can run eclip application by going to the folder of eclipse and right click the diamond shape file and click on run. After that click ok for the accepting the workspace location/directory. Actually at this step, eclipse application is running and ready to create some java application.

right click and run
click ok
running eclipse application

4. Add the App in the Dash. In this step, I'm going to add our eclipse image to our dashboard which is pretty neat to see. Just right click on the icon in the dashboard that has a question mark in it and click lock to launcher. After that you need to edit the .local/share/application/eclipse.desktop and change/add the icon location at the buttom of the screen. Finally, save the file and reopen the application to see the changes. 

Right click and lock to launcher
edit the file in .local/share/application/eclipse.desktop
add this code at the end  Icon=/home/USERNAME/Downloads/eclipse/icon.xpm

Reopen the application to see the changes

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